We are now accepting program proposals for the 2025 ANCA Annual Summit. Programs are the core of the Summit experience, allowing for connection with peers and experts in a supportive learning environment.
The Summit theme is The Big Picture, which invites us to expand our perspective on why we do our work, in addition to emphasizing our collective impact as a profession. We encourage program facilitators to consider this year’s theme as well as the importance of centering joy and well-being in our work. Programs do not need to be explicitly based on these concepts, but we welcome programs to incorporate such ideas at any level.
Program proposals are accepted on a rolling basis until April 28. Please note that indoor space with access to AV equipment is limited — preference will be given to programs that do not include the use of technology.
Program Types
Summit programming includes Workshops and Facilitated Discussions. These programs will take place on Tuesday, August 26, and Thursday, August 28.
Workshops are presentation-based sessions where participants learn in-depth on a single topic and expand their skill set. Workshop presenters should be experienced in the topic and able to effectively communicate the subject material. These sessions should inspire and challenge Summit participants to make an impact on their centers and their communities.
ANCA Members, Business Partners, and Summit Sponsors are welcome to submit workshop proposals. Workshops can be 90 minutes or (up to) three hours.
Facilitated Discussions
Facilitated Discussions are conversational sessions where all participants contribute to the discussion. Facilitators guide the dialogue but do not give a formal presentation; the role of the facilitator is to create fair opportunities for sharing, keep the discussions on track, and make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate. We discourage PowerPoint and other presentation tools unless used to briefly introduce the topic. Facilitated discussions are an excellent opportunity to share with professional peers, learn new ideas, discuss trends in the profession, and work together to find solutions.
ANCA Members and Business Partners are welcome to submit a Facilitated Discussion proposal. These sessions are 90 minutes in length.
If your topic is selected for a Facilitated Discussion, you will be asked to be the facilitator. If you are new to facilitation, we will work with you to find a co-facilitator to help you manage the session. Facilitators are not expected to have all the answers!
Not an ANCA Member or Business Partner? Learn about ANCA Membership here and Business Partnerships here.
Developing a Topic
Topics should be relevant to our audience of nature center administrators, including executive directors and managers, land managers, education directors, development directors, and board members. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Advocacy and civic engagement
Board recruitment and training
Capital campaigns
Community outreach
Database management
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Educational programs and exhibits
Facility and land use planning
Fundraising and fiscal management
Management strategies
Marketing and communications
Membership programs
Master and strategic planning
Nature-based preschools
Organizational structure
Personnel policies and human resources
Program management
Risk management
Starting a nature center or outdoor school
Succession planning
Sustainable buildings and facilities
Urban site locations
Volunteer management
Prior Program Topics
Workshops from past Summits include:
Unpack Your Strategic Plan! How to Maximize Your Nature Center with Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a key tool for nature centers to envision a future that meets the needs of an organization and its community. Unpack what goes into making action-packed and effective strategic plans that meet your nature center's vision. We will use BLM Campbell Creek Science Center as a case study on how strategic planning creates dynamic change in an organization. Practice developing your own simple plan — and come away with something tangible to take home and put into action!
Lapsed Donors: How to Win Back and Grow
Every piece of available data says the same thing: nonprofits have a significant lapsed donor problem.
You may have heard that you have everything you need in your donor file, but this may no longer be true. Why? Most of our donors are lapsing. The national average has stayed the same for years, with 55-60% of donors lapsing each year.
These are donors you worked hard to find, cultivate and steward — and when a donor leaves, you have to repeat all that work. More importantly, it means you are depressing your ROI. Your revenue is suffering.
It does not have to be this way! Donor retention is one of the main indicators of successful fundraising. In one number you can tell if there is health or rot in a fundraising program. But your donor retention IS something you can influence!
If your donor retention rate is in the tanks, don’t fret. You can fix it. It will take time and hard work. Fixing it will be cheaper, and will have a higher ROI than finding new donors that replace the ones you’ve lost.
If you want to learn how to keep your donors from lapsing and how to win them back if they have — this is for you.
Equitable Compensation and Hiring Practices in EE
This session will provide an overview of the recommendations described in the new eeGuidance for Equitable Pay and Hiring document related to equitable compensation, position design, recruitment, and hiring processes. We will also discuss recommendations and resources for employers to use this document highlighting the Maine Environmental Education Association's recent work on equitable compensation as a case study. The session will be interactive with time for participants to connect in small groups to discuss their own reflections on this complex issue, share challenges and solutions. During this presentation, participants will:
- gain familiarity with the eeGuidance for Equitable Pay and Hiring;
- learn the minimum standards outlined in that document for equitable pay and benefits, position design, recruitment, and hiring processes and practices; and
- understand at least two ways you can take action towards advancing equity through shifting hiring practices and compensation at your nature center.
Living Your Mission: Lessons Learned from Sustainable Building Projects
Sustainable buildings can be an important reflection of a nature center’s mission, but they’re by no means easy to accomplish. This workshop will share details and lessons learned from two sustainable building projects, one at Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minn., and another at Westwood Hills Nature Center in St. Louis Park, Minn.
Last year Wolf Ridge’s Margaret A. Cargill Lodge earned full Living Building Challenge status, a premiere certification for sustainable buildings — the organization behind it, the International Future Living Institute (IFLI), says that it is “the world’s most rigorous proven performance standard for buildings.” Even more impressive, Wolf Ridge’s building is the first renovation project to earn the certification, as well as the northernmost building to do so.
Westwood Hills Nature Center recently achieved Zero Energy Certification through the IFLI. Part of a St. Louis Park’s Parks & Recreation Department, the Westwood Hills Interpretive Center Building is a model for the city’s Climate Action Plan, which aims for a net-zero carbon footprint by 2040.
Learn about both of these projects and what it took to accomplish each, including capital planning, design and operations, and community engagement.
Inspiring Climate Change Action for the Next Generation
The Howard County Conservancy recently launched two climate change education programs for students in grades 6-12, bringing current climate science, realistic solutions, and action projects to thousands of students within Howard County Public Schools (HCPSS). Funded by a NOAA B-WET grant, the goal of Climate kNOWledge is to implement a district-wide climate change curriculum with meaningful watershed educational experiences that engages every sixth grade HCPSS student and teacher in robust hands-on climate science. Climate kNOWledge pairs climate change and climate justice education, schoolyard data collection, and a solutions-based field experience with intensive teacher professional development to support student action projects in their school communities. The Youth Climate Institute is a youth-led, three year certification program for high school students. By participating in the program, students will learn the fundamentals of climate science, join an action team focused on positive solutions in their communities, and become better science communicators. During a student’s senior year, they can earn an honors designation for their certification by working closely with a community partner on a climate change capstone project that addresses a specific community need. The Howard County Conservancy, a local, non-profit environmental education center, headquartered at the 300 year old, 232-acre Mt. Pleasant farmstead in Howard County, Md.
Leading Change in Your Nature Center
Nature and Visitor Center Leaders fill multiple roles, simultaneously managing facilities, staff teams, and operations along with public program development and visitor experience. The need for change arises when one (or multiple) of these elements falls out of sync. This presentation will encourage professionals to learn how to navigate the waters of change by using leadership development skills and empirical reasoning to identify and understand problems and discover effective strategies for achieving excellence. Learn tips on charting the course of change without getting overwhelmed and discover how to apply a “Midas touch” to your vision to achieve buy-in among staff and stakeholders.
Workshop objectives include:
- Learn how to use planning & diagnostic tools such as fishbone diagrams, pareto analysis, and value stream mapping to identify where problems and gaps exist within your center’s operations.
- Work towards the goal of organizational excellence by focusing on improving staffing and operational processes.
- Demystify the inherent fear of change: use effective communication and motivation to build a vision that inspires buy-in among staff and stakeholders.
- Review the case study of Watershed Stewardship Center in Cleveland Metroparks as an example of demonstrated positive change.
- Hone your skills as a leader to drive innovation within the field of nature center professionals.
A Self-Guided Approach to Direct Nature Engagement
The BEETLES Project, begun in 2011, develops research-based professional learning materials, model student activities, and additional resources that support organizational capacity building among outdoor science and environmental education organizations nationwide. BEETLES activities are developed around five primary design principles, not the least of which is engaging directly with nature, and have traditionally relied on learners being guided through experiences by a skilled instructor, making them highly effective tools in facilitated spaces.
In this workshop you will explore newly developed self-guided BEETLES activities, which were designed to encourage direct engagement with nature in outdoor centers, botanical gardens, or any unmediated nature space. Each activity engages students with commonly found parts of nature (e.g. leaves, lichen, using smartphones for exploration) to be widely applicable and highlight nature as something learners can begin developing a deep relationship with anywhere. Join this session to get hands-on experience with eight model activities and discuss how you might apply these learner-driven approaches to your own non-facilitated nature spaces.
Facility Planning: A Case Study of Lakeshore Nature Preserve
The Lakeshore Nature Preserve is a 300-acre natural area situated along Lake Mendota on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Preserve shelters diverse and biologically significant plant and animal communities essential for teaching, research, and outreach. As the ancestral home of the Ho-Chunk Nation, the Preserve also safeguards historically significant cultural landscapes. Despite its importance to the campus and larger community the Preserve has lacked a critically important on-site facility to support ongoing staff land management, campus educational activities, and public outreach. This workshop will explore the complex challenges involved in planning for a highly sustainable new facility.
Risk Management for Outdoor Programs
This workshop aims to help nature center administrators take advantage of the best contemporary thinking on incident prevention and mitigation to help ensure their outdoor programs exhibit excellence in risk management. We’ll take a look at theoretical models of incident causation developed by researchers in the aviation and healthcare industries, and explore how they can be applied to nature centers, environmental learning centers, and outdoor schools. We’ll explore how complex systems theory and resilience engineering can be used to develop and implement high-quality risk management plans for outdoor programs. Participants will leave the workshop with practical ideas they can use right away to improve safety at their organization. The workshop is most applicable to programs that offer activities in remote outdoor settings, or provide adventure experiences (like whitewater or backpacking trips).
Exhibits on Any Budget
Learn three different ways to approach exhibits in your nature center. First discover how to develop, design, and fabricate interactive exhibits in-house that won't break the budget. Then see how we involved the community in art shows and traveling exhibits therefore diversifying our audience. Lastly see how a nature center looking for a large scale remodel, bid out for a conceptual design plan with professional design companies. This plan also includes a cohesive interpretive theme to use going forward during construction and fabrication. Presentation includes examples of each approach from Plum Creek Nature Center and Hidden Oaks Nature Center.
Roots & Fruits: How Campaigns Can Ground and Grow Your Organization
This workshop will teach you how to design, implement and execute a campaign using real cases, decisions, and examples. We’ll review best practices and emerging issues in campaign preparation, communications, and the ability to adjust in this changing environment. You will walk away understanding the how and way of fundamentals and enhanced steps to manage and develop a comprehensive campaign.
- Understand how to develop strategies for resourcing a campaign and building a case for support.
- Learn the fundamentals of building a comprehensive/capital campaign.
- Discuss how feedback in a feasibility study impacts the eventual campaign, how campaign committees are structured (and the benefits and challenges of working with volunteers), and the breakdown of responsibilities play out in partnering with a consultant.
- Be able to adapt to the unexpected and develop strategies to keep your campaign on track.
- Learn how to employ campaign analytics including goal setting, tracking progress to goal, and projections.
- Create mini campaigns to keep campaign momentum and meet institutional goals during unprecedented times.
- Closing a successful campaign- we’ll discuss how the public phase differs from the quiet phase, how to activate a campaign committee and the Board, what to do when a campaign lulls, and how to keep momentum going as the campaign moves into the later years.
Full Spectrum Advocacy
The Cibolo Center for Conservation was thrust into the civic realm by a large development on its border. Seeing the need to pre-empt the negative impacts of future development, the Cibolo became highly engaged in regional policy and planning.
Since 2017, the Cibolo has achieved a number of policy and planning outcomes, including: Co-created the most environmentally protective Unified Development Code in Texas; Passage of a $20 Million County Greenspaces Bond; Influenced the county’s transportation and city thoroughfare plan; Participated in a comprehensive water conservation strategy; Helped to stop a major highway project; and facilitated numerous additional successes.
We view civic engagement as fundamental to fulfilling our organization’s mission and often say that “If we’re not at the table, nature is on the menu.” We believe that other Nature Centers can step up and change their community’s policies and planning and that this influence will ripple beyond our immediate spheres of influence to contribute to positive changes in state and federal policy.
During this workshop, we will explore our philosophy, tactics, and strategy for achieving outcomes through what we call “Full Spectrum Advocacy.” You will learn the secrets to our success and cultivate the can-do attitude that is fundamental to all great achievements. If we can do it, you can do it, so come get informed and energized!
Facilitated Discussions
Facilitated Discussions from past Summits include:
Nature is For Everyone: Culturally Responsive Nature Centers
Culturally relevant and culturally responsive teaching are well-researched and considered to be best practices for classrooms to engage with all students. These teaching practices connect student learning to their cultures, support the belief that everyone has important knowledge and understandings of the world to share, and ensure the sense of belonging. But how do we bring these practices to our nonformal education sites? How do we engage with culturally responsive teaching within nature centers and other informal education settings? We’ll talk about how and why to implement culturally responsive practice into our programs and centers, explore resources and models, and consider ways to celebrate the diverse knowledge our students, visitors, and program audiences bring with them.
Better Together: Civic Engagement and Conservation Impact
Nature Centers are great at connecting people to nature, but not always great at connecting people to one another. Yet the kind of transformative solutions needed to protect our planet require collective action and relationships built around empathy, intellectual humility, and perspective taking.
Over the past year, Cincinnati Nature Center has been experimenting with ways to guide our volunteers and members to see themselves as more than recreationists, but as civic-minded influencers for conservation.
With a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, we’ve been using research in conservation psychology and behavior change theory to design ways to move adults beyond individual lifestyle and consumer choices toward civic engagement. If successful, this work may have implications for all nature centers.
How can we use interpretive techniques to create an advocacy program that is so fun, engaging, and identity-supportive that your visitors can’t wait to get involved? Here is your chance to help create something we all need: a better response when guests ask: “What should I do to protect nature?”
Succeeding at Succession Planning
What is succession planning and why is it important for your organization? Let’s focus on the “success” in succession planning and how it can set your organization up for long-term sustainability. Whether you have done a succession plan before or not, come join us to delve into the different types of succession plans, common misconceptions, when is the right time to do one, how much it costs, how long it takes, how to convince your Board to do it, and resources to help get you started. Bring your experience and your questions and let’s help each other plan for success.
Finding Your Niche in the AI Ecosystem
Artifical intelligence (AI) tools have become increasingly available to our organizations, with possibly major implications for operations, fundraising, marketing, and more. Let's open up a dialogue about what AI looks like in the nature center sphere. Help or hindrance? Authentic or misleading?
Indigenous, Native, Natural: What Do These Words Mean to a Living Culture?
How do we honor the past and the living culture of the Indigenous peoples that lived and may still live on or near the land a park or historic organization occupies, beyond a land acknowledgment? We will explore modern questions regarding Indigenous life past, present, and future, in historic spaces.
Marketing Strategies and Tools for Success
In order to market what your organization is doing, you seemingly need to apply an array of skills: copywriting, photography, videography, graphic design, website editing, public relations, and a distinct knowledge of every social media platform in existence. How do we balance it all?
In this Facilitated Discussion we’ll talk about marketing strategies for nature centers and outdoor schools, including how to prioritize time, how small teams (or teams of one) can get the most out of their work, and the best tools and resources to use. Let’s discuss what’s working for you, what isn’t, and all the marketing topics in between.
Food Justice
We talk about sustainable farming, seed saving and urban gardening, but are we missing an opportunity to truly fight for food justice? How do we build authentic relationships with Black-led organizations and Indigenous people to reframe the narratives on key issues such as land access, food sovereignty and the “alternative food movement.” Let’s have a conversation and share ideas on how our nature centers and organizations can take an active, supportive, intentional role in expanding food access and championing food education in our communities.
Sustainable Businesses Practices for Education Departments
Join this facilitated discussion on education programming at nature centers that supports how we operate at the confluence of mission work and innovative business models. We will discuss how to know when change is needed, how to implement change with low risks and high rewards, and how to evaluate success for what our future community needs. Through this rich dialogue, we will focus on programming with fidelity, sustainability, and mission alignment.
Putting Staff First: Personnel Policy Overhaul
There are many ways to honor the work of staff, including providing great benefits, supporting diversity and families, and building positive work culture. The Nature Museum in Grafton, Vt., and North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier, Vt., each recently led comprehensive personnel policy overhauls and benefit reviews that navigated tricky issues such as legal requirements, appropriate language, and cost. We sought to improve benefits, provide clarity and structure, and support both our staff and our organizations.
In this facilitated discussion, we’ll explain how we did this and where we landed on topics such as paid leave, sick time, gendered language, and program waivers. We’ll also leave space for questions and discussion about your struggles and triumphs with personnel policies and employee benefits.
Public Funds, Partnerships, and Capital Campaigns: Make Your Money Work for You!
Is your nature center part of a public/private partnership? Need some capital improvements? Have you successfully launched a capital campaign for your nature center on public property? Join the discussion about how to leverage public funds to kick-start or contribute to your capital campaign! Learn and discuss how working with public partners such as your city councilperson or county commissioner can lead to supporting capital improvements. Let’s discuss what it takes to get to the next step- taking those public funds and multiplying them with private funding.
Moving Beyond Pipelines: Cultivating Ecosystems to Develop Future Environmentalists
There is a need to diversify nature center staffing and attract a broader demographic to the environmental profession. Funding, especially at the federal level, largely addresses this problem by building pipelines for underrepresented groups. But is a pipeline the best way to support/describe this work? Is there a more organic way to develop future environmentalists, one that considers multiple factors that are critical to students’ success? The term “ecosystem” describes a system of interdependence between living things and the habitat they occupy. Can we identify interdependent factors in students’ lives and support them too, in addition to their academics? This support might include: engaging parents; offering non-English translations; paying interns; providing transportation.
Mitigating Controversy
Community reactions to program implementation — and DEI programs in particular — can be hard to predict, and can result in unprecedented, even violent, backlash. Come share your implementation stories and discuss steps to facilitate engagement and new ways of thinking within our communities.
If you have questions about submitting a proposal or would like to discuss a potential idea before submitting, please contact Daniel Auer, Director of Programs & Member Services, at