ANCA Membership


“I feel truly fortunate to be part of ANCA — it’s been an invaluable resource for growth and guidance. It's the most enriching professional community I've been involved with, and I’m grateful for the chance to connect with such exceptional people in the field.”

— Veronica Frehm, Chief Executive Officer of the Friends of MacArthur Beach State Park

ANCA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting best leadership and management practices for nature and environmental learning centers. We are the only such organization in North America, and support more than 700 dues-paying members. As an ANCA Member, you gain access to resources, events, and a network that will help you excel at your role in the nature and environmental learning center field.

Join/Renew Here

You may also use the form above to give a membership as a gift. This is a great way to welcome someone new to the profession or show support to a colleague.


With an ANCA membership, you can:

  • Access resources and articles in our ANCA Updates email newsletter
  • Receive discounted pricing on ANCA CONNECTS virtual events
  • Join the ANCA Reciprocal Program
  • Post to the ANCA Job Board for free or reduced cost
  • Connect with an experienced leader through our Mentor Program
  • Attend the ANCA Summit and receive Summit materials
  • Access a network of peers to share expertise and support
  • Receive discounted annual membership to GrantStation, a grant search tool (over $550 in savings)
  • Receive a 20% discount on Firespring services, including website development, marketing strategy plans, and brand development

Types of Membership

Associate - $75 per Year

The Associate Membership is for people working in the nature and environmental learning center field who may be new to ANCA or a staff member not in an administrative position. This is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to further develop their leadership and management skills, possibly with the goal of an administrative position in the future.

Professional - $115 per Year

This membership is for people who have been working in the nature and environmental learning center field and are an Executive Director or top-level Administrator. Professional Members have leadership and management skills that they continue to refine, and can use new tools and resources to carry out their organization's mission. In addition to receiving the standard membership benefits, Professional Members also receive discounts for inclusion in the ANCA Reciprocal Program and for posting to the ANCA Job Board.

Extra Benefits: 

  • $40 per job posting, usually $80
  • $40 a year for inclusion in the ANCA Reciprocal Program

Organization - $245 per Year

Organization Memberships are for nature and environmental learning centers that want to spread their ANCA membership benefits beyond just one person. This is our most popular membership, with reason — at this level, you can access extra benefits to maximize how your organization engages with your audience and other nature center professionals.

Organization Membership includes memberships for two individuals at an organization including staff, board members, or volunteers. Want more than two individuals to receive benefits? Organizations may also add additional members for $55 each.

Extra Benefits: 

  • Free job postings, usually $80
  • Free inclusion in the ANCA Reciprocal Program
  • Any staff or board member from your organization receives member pricing on ANCA CONNECTS programs
Note: ANCA Organization Members have a unique physical site. Some city- or statewide environmental or natural resource organizations include multiple nature centers; in this case, each nature center should maintain its own distinct membership. This rule does not apply to nature centers that have separate administrative offices or secondary sites. 

Emeritus - $60 per Year

Emeritus Membership is for people who have retired from the nature and environmental learning center field. Emeritus Members hold valuable insights from their time in the field, and maintain the sense of community that energizes both themselves and those currently working at nature centers.

Student - $40 per Year

If you are studying to be part of the nature and environmental learning center field in the future, this membership is for you! By joining ANCA at this level, you can get a head start on developing the network, skills, and resources you will need to thrive in our profession.

Student Members cannot participate in the Mentor Program.

Join/Renew Here 

Are you a for-profit business looking to spread the word about your services? See our Join as a Partner page.
Questions about membership? Email Director of Programs & Member Services Daniel Auer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..