"Working with my Mentor has been invaluable and incredibly constructive. We have had three great sessions that have already directly benefited our programs and organization. Thank you so much for this mentorship program, it's just the best!" — ANCA Mentee
The ANCA Mentor Program fosters partnerships and collaboration by pairing ANCA members based on specific needs, areas of expertise, and desired outcomes.
Program participants engage in regular one-on-one meetings where mentees receive personalized guidance on leadership challenges and strategies. By sharing knowledge and experiences, mentors help mentees navigate the many aspects of managing nature centers effectively, promoting long-term success in the field.
A unique service to the nature and environmental learning center profession, the Mentor Program is available exclusively to current ANCA members.
We have paused applications to the Mentor Program due to a high number of recent applications. We will reopen application to the program in early 2025. If you need assistance from the ANCA network in the meantime, please contact us.
Once we have paired you with an appropriate mentor or mentee, use the ANCA Mentor Program Handbook to develop your Mentor Plan, and refer to the appropriate handbook specific to mentors and mentees:
We recommend that you use the following schedule.
First Three Months:
- Mentors ask these questions: page 7 of the ANCA Mentor Program Handbook
- Mentees ask these questions: page 5-6 of the ANCA Mentor Program Handbook
3-6 Months:
- Mentees — How to effectively communicate: page 8-10 of the ANCA Mentee Handbook
- Expectations for Mentees: pages 3-4 of the ANCA Mentee Handbook
- Expectations for Mentors: page 3 of the ANCA Mentor Handbook
6+ Months:
- How to know when it's time to end a mentorship: pages 11-12 of the ANCA Mentee Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
1. If I have questions or concerns about my Mentor/Mentee pairing, who should I contact?
If you have any concerns or questions about your Mentor/Mentee pairing, contact us.
2. When will I be notified of my Mentor/Mentee pairing?
After you complete the Mentor Program Form, and have been contacted by an ANCA staff member, we will get to work finding you a Mentor/Mentee match. Depending on the time of year and your challenges or skills it could take up to a month before we are able to find the best pairing for you.
3. How long does the mentorship last?
This will depend on the Mentor/Mentee pairing. Some pairings will last through a career, while other pairings only work for one issue or challenge during a career. If there is any question about whether or not it is time to end a mentorship, we recommend you read pages 11-12 of the ANCA Mentee Handbook linked to above.
4. Are my expectations of my Mentor realistic?
Expect your Mentor to listen and give you honest feedback, but do not expect them to have answers to every question. You will work with your Mentor to prioritize and focus on what is most important and realistic for both of you to accomplish in the next 6 months. It will be important to stay focused on these priorities and not burn yourself, or your Mentor, out.
5. Why should I become a Mentor?
You should become a mentor because you have experiences that may be directly applicable and beneficial to another administrator giving you a unique opportunity to strengthen the field. Even if you are a new director, chances are you already have these applicable experiences. We need you to apply to be a mentor!
"It is mind boggling for me to admit that since 1996 I’ve been a mentor. Why me? Because I love what I do and feel we can all make a difference in our community. Am I intimidated? No, I have strengths and areas that are still being developed just like the rest of you. What do I gain? Knowledge about a different organization and their successes and challenges. The hopes and dreams of someone who wants to be their best self and grow. A pulse on what’s going on out there. Finally and maybe most importantly a new friend. Think about what you do every day. For me the relationships that I have contribute to the person I am. Have no fear. Reach out and make a friend. Help someone grown breath, find success" — Helen Fischel, ANCA Emeritus Member