ANCA Job Board
Job postings are $80 each and may be posted for up to two months. ANCA Organization Members post for free, and Professional Members receive a 50% discount.
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Executive Director
Short Description
The Nature Foundation at Wintergreen (TNFW) is seeking an Executive Director passionate about environmental stewardship and community engagement. The ideal candidate will have a background in natural history or science and be a skilled administrator and collaborative leader who can foster relationships, communicate effectively, and realize TNFW’s vision to exemplify environmental stewardship. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director will direct the organization’s strategic priorities and have overall operational responsibility for TNFW’s staff, programs, growth, and mission execution.
Founded in 1993, TNFW is a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its mission is to foster an understanding and appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Central Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and our community through conservation, education, and research. TNFW is supported by four fulltime and four parttime staff, more than 800 members and a strong contingent of dedicated, active volunteers and has an annual operating budget of $500,000 and a $3,750,000 endowment.