
Organization: OSU Extension Service Outdoor School program
Job Type: Full-Time
Location: Corvallis, Oregon
Salary: $65,000 - $70,000
This Outdoor School Central Regional Coordinator position is within the Oregon State University Division of Extension and Engagement, Extension Service Outdoor School program. The Outdoor School program’s Regional Coordinators work with school districts in their regions to maximize participation by providing support in the funding application and reporting process, promoting inclusive community engagement, and working with districts to implement creative, community-specific solutions to outdoor school participation barriers. The main responsibilities of the ODS Central Regional Coordinator will be: - Liaise with local school districts, ESDs, outdoor school providers, and local communities to support inclusive and equitable outdoor school programming. - Lead the activities of the Central Region and participate in consistent interaction with the Eastern, Northern, and Southern Regional Coordinators. - Collaborate with the ODS Team to develop projects that support outdoor school in the region, e.g., professional development workshops, EDAI (equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion) initiatives, application and reporting process, high school leadership program development, etc. The Outdoor School program website is:
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Closing Date: 04/14/2024