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ANCA CONNECTS: Cultivating Shared Leadership on Your Team

Dec 13, 2023


Time:  10-11:30am AKT  /  11am-12:30pm PT  /  12-1:30pm MT  /  1-2:30pm CT  /  2-3:30pm ET

How do managers create teams who are invested in each other, the group as a whole, and their organization's mission? Shared leadership structures can do all this and more — they make your job easier, build trust among your team, improve organizational decisions, and build new leaders.

BLC Team pic webThe staff of the Blue Lotus Center in West Bend, Wis.In this CONNECTS program we'll explore tactics of shared leadership that can be applied to teams of any size. We'll pull from concepts such as "teal" organizations, sociocracy, and dynamic governance, and share what has worked (and what hasn't!) from our own personal experiences. Topics we'll cover include:

  • Multiple types of team structures, including hierarchies, crews, and collaborative teams
  • Styles of making decisions, including collaborative decision making and consent-based decision making
  • Specific tools you can use with your team, regardless of team structure

For more of introduction to these tactics, see our recent article on shared leadership in Directions, the ANCA journal. This program will be an opportunity to go deeper into these concepts and brainstorm how you might apply them at your own organization. Whether you are a new leader wanting to get your new team off to the right start or a seasoned professional seeking to shake up some of your team's established patterns, you'll be sure to walk away with some ideas!


  • Glenna Holstein, ANCA Board Member
  • Mike Larson, Executive Director, The Blue Lotus Center

Registration: $15 ANCA members, $30 non-members


ANCA CONNECTS Annual Pass holders register for free.

Note: This CONNECTS is based on a session from the 2023 ANCA Annual Summit. If you attended that session there, feel free to join us again! There will be some overlap in the information shared, but we will have space for new dialogue and perhaps you can share your experiences of what you've tried since our first discussion.