Brand Guidelines

As a professional association, ANCA promotes leadership and excellence within the nature and environmental learning center field; as such our brand conveys professionalism that is grounded in nature. While we are professional, however, we are also an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive community, and we believe the collective wisdom and diversity of our network is our greatest resource. Because of this, our brand should be accessible and inviting to all in our field.


Primary headings are in Playfair Display, and secondary headings and paragraphs are in IBM Plex Sans. You can see the structure for headings on our website style guide.


Primary Colors


Dark Green
Dark Green


Secondary Colors


Pastel Green
Medium Green

Pastel Gold
Medium Gold

Light Green
Light Green

Light Gray
Light Tan


Paragraph text is an off-black, HEX #383838.


 Below are three variations on the ANCA logo, with a description of appropriate usage. Do not edit or modify the ANCA logo in any fashion.


Anca Logo with words

Full Color
For use on white or off-white backgrounds

ANCA Logo Black Outline

Black Outline
For use on white or off-white backgrounds, when color is not available


ANCA Logo white outline with text WEB EXAMPLE

White Outline
For use as an overlay on images or branded colors


For further guidance, contact ANCA Director of Marketing & Communications Asa Duffee at