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ANCA CONNECTS: Overnight Summer Camp Directors

Mar 21, 2024


Time:  10-11:30am AKT  /  11am-12:30pm PT  /  12-1:30pm MT  /  1-2:30pm CT  /  2-3:30pm ET 

Overnight camp directors, are you ready for your summer programs? Camp is approaching soon, and preparing now is vital for success.

Join us for this program where you can learn and share with camp leaders who face similar challenges. We’ll address questions and topics such as:

A group of seven children and a young adult stand in the forest. Most of the children look upward through binoculars, while the young adult raises their hand upward in explanation.Campers at Nature Camp in Vesuvius, Va.
  • How are camps recruiting and hiring qualified candidates?
  • How are camper and staff needs changing?
  • How do we accommodate diverse needs in overnight accommodations?
  • Camp nurses and managing health records
  • What are the best resources for camp this year?

For this program we’ll use an “Open Space” format where any participant can suggest a discussion topic ahead of time; this allows you to bring any question where you'd like insights from professional peers. Depending on the number of discussion topics, we may use breakout rooms for different topics. Learn more about Open Space here.

Suggested topics can include any aspect of managing day camps. Examples of topics include (but are not limited to):

Curriculum development
Dormitory operations
Equity and inclusion

Marketing and communications
Registration software and processes
Risk Management

Staff recruitment and training
Wages and stipends

This meeting is open to any overnight camp director, manager, or leader of a summer camp.

Registration: $15 ANCA Members, $30 non-members


We're also offering a separate ANCA CONNECTS program for daytime camp directors on March 28.

If you have questions, please contact ANCA Membership & Programs Coordinator Daniel Auer, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This CONNECTS program will not be recorded. ANCA Members receive a 50% discount code; if you are a member and don't have the code, please email Daniel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..