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Apr 25, 2024


Time:  10-11:30am AKT  /  11am-12:30pm PT  /  12-1:30pm MT  /  1-2:30pm CT  /  2-3:30pm ET 

Have you started your leadership or management position within the last five years? This is a formative time when you have many unique opportunities and challenges in your role, such as building upon your organization’s existing operations and culture.

A dark-skinned person looks to the left and smiles. Behind them is blurry green foliage.In this ANCA CONNECTS program, we’ll discuss these opportunities and challenges of being a new leader at a nature center or related organization. We’ll explore topics like values, vision, and communication, and address questions like:

  • How do you implement the vision for your organization or help inspire the vision for the future?
  • How can you help create a strong organizational culture that encourages collaboration, learning, and a commitment to mission?
  • How do you build positive relationships with the stakeholders of your organization?
  • Where might you seek professional development opportunities that are specific to your responsibilities?

This program will use a “Facilitated Discussion” format, where all participants contribute to the discussion, and a facilitator guides the dialogue. This format allows you to share with your peers, learn new ideas, and work together to find solutions.

If you’ve entered a new leadership or management role in the last five years, please join us.


  • Allison Mackley, Vice President for Education, Berks Nature
  • Chad Truxall, Executive Director, Marine Discovery Center



  • $15 for ANCA Members and staff/board of ANCA Organization Members
  • $30 for non-members


If you have questions, please contact ANCA Membership & Programs Coordinator Daniel Auer, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This CONNECTS program will not be recorded. ANCA Members receive a 50% discount code; if you are a member and don't have the code, please email Daniel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..