Urban Ecology Center Institute's Focus Workshop: From Transactional to Transformation - For Fundraisers


Join ANCA Member, the Urban Ecology Center's Development Team to:

  • Learn about the Urban Ecology Center’s unique way of fundraising
  • Vision an engaging donor stewardship and communication plan
  • Develop effective tools and resources for successful fundraising campaigns
  • Build strong relationships with your Board of Directors
  • Discover ways to do all of the above in a way that is genuine and authentic to your mission while having fun (yes, we said FUN & Development in the same sentence)!

In our day-to-day work as fundraisers, it is easy to get stuck in the checklist of things that need to get done TODAY. Proper planning and strategy, which can make a significant positive impact on the relationships we build and our success in the long-term, often get pushed to the back-burner.

We are here to change that: really!

Find out more about the Urban Ecology Center and this Institute Focus Workshop here