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ANCA CONNECTS: Executive Leaders

A light-skinned person sits on a patio with green foliage in the background. The person smiles and looks at another person in the foreground.
Apr 24, 2025 12:00pm MDT - 1:30pm MDT


Do you serve as your organization's executive director, CEO, manager, or top leader? Are you looking for opportunities to meet peers who share the responsibility and challenges of being "the boss"? Are you looking for solutions from other top leaders? Step away from the day-to-day and participate in conversations with leaders nationwide. This is your opportunity to build long-term relationships and not feel alone in your critical work.

In this CONNECTS program, we’ll network and discuss the unique expectations, challenges, and opportunities of being an executive leader. We’ll address questions like:

  • What is your biggest challenge this year?
  • How are you leading your organization through these unprecedented times of chaos and uncertainty?
  • How are you taking care of yourself?

This program will use a “Facilitated Discussion” format, where all participants contribute, and a facilitator guides the dialogue. This format allows you to share with your peers, learn new ideas, and work together to find solutions. Bring your questions, challenges, and successes to share with the group!

Who Should Attend: This conversation is exclusively for Executive Directors/CEOs/Top Managers who are current ANCA members. 

Facilitator: Jen Levy, Executive Director of the Association of Nature Center Administrators

Registration: $20 ANCA Members, $40 non-members


If you have questions, please contact ANCA Director of Programs & Member Services Daniel Auer, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This CONNECTS program will not be recorded. ANCA Members receive a 50% discount code; if you are a member and don't have the code, please email Daniel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..