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ANCA CONNECTS: Camp Directors Summer Recap

Oct 24, 2024


Time:  10-11:30am AKT  /  11am-12:30pm PT  /  12-1:30pm MT  /  1-2:30pm CT  /  2-3:30pm ET

Summer Camp 2024 is over! What was successful? What was challenging? Where are the best camp resources? Join us for a discussion with other camp directors and staff to share resources and takeaways that will help you prepare for next year.

Campers hiking through a prairie on a picturesque summer dayThis meeting is open to any summer camp leader from both overnight and day-use programs. We welcome both members and non-members to ANCA CONNECTS.

For our discussion, we will use a Padlet bulletin board to gather ideas for topics and to share resources. The link will be sent to you when you register. We’ll use an “Open Space” format where any participant can suggest a topic ahead of time; depending on the number of participants, we may utilize breakout rooms for different topics.


  • $20 for ANCA Members and staff/board of ANCA Organization Members
  • $40 for non-members


If you have questions, please contact ANCA Membership & Programs Coordinator Daniel Auer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This CONNECTS program will not be recorded.