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ANCA CONNECTS: Boards of Directors and Nonprofit Leaders

A light-skinned person with short hair wears a light-blue polo shirt in a forest. They speak to a group of people in the foreground.
Mar 20, 2025 12:00pm MDT - 1:30pm MDT


Running a nonprofit organization is a challenging position for the best of leaders — it takes skill and finesse to direct the mission, strategy and day-to-day operations of an entity, while also working with a board to make critical decisions.

There are few other relationships like that of a board and its executive leader. In this program, Kiersten Hill from Firespring will share insights and tips to achieve success for staff and board members alike. She will discuss top communications strategies for managing the relationship, helping you understand how to identify and fill in the blind spots. This will cover:

  • The make-up of a board, where it all begins
  • 5 smart ways to build your board of directors
  • 10 tips for driving from the passenger seat
  • Subtle signs the board is NOT engaged
  • How to get your board to make major expenditures

This program takes place on Zoom and will include small group discussions led by ANCA members.

About the facilitator:

Kiersten Hill is the Director of Nonprofit Solutions at Firespring. She has almost 2 decades of experience in nonprofit management and fundraising before joining Firespring. She has raised over $20 Million for Nebraska nonprofit organizations and has worked to better train and equip nonprofit leaders and Boards of Directors. Kiersten made a move from nonprofit management and fundraising to Firespring with the goal to help assist, educate, and equip nonprofits at a larger scale.

Firespring is a full-service marketing company specializing in websites, printing and strategic guidance specifically for nonprofits. When you work with Firespring, you have the confidence to know you’re investing in marketing that works and you can direct time and energy to your mission. ANCA members receive a 20% discount on Firespring services.

Registration: $20 ANCA Members, $40 non-members


If you have questions, please contact ANCA Director of Programs & Member Services Daniel Auer, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This CONNECTS program will not be recorded. ANCA Members receive a 50% discount code; if you are a member and don't have the code, please email Daniel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..