Asa Duffee

Director of Marketing & Communications

Asa Duffee joined the ANCA staff in June 2019; he holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Earlham College and has over a decade of experience at environmental nonprofits, including two ANCA Organization Members. Asa is passionate about communications and strives to engage and amplify voices that have been historically excluded from conversations in the environmental field.

As a child, Asa attended programs at Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center and Aullwood Audubon Center, both longtime members of ANCA. These programs favorably contributed to Asa’s sense of nature and community, and he is now proud to give back to the nature center field as a professional.

You can find Asa hiking the woods around Yellow Springs, Ohio (land of the Shawnee and Miami peoples), where he will likely be nerding out about plants. When he’s not walking through the great outdoors, he spends his time playing the Irish flute, rock climbing, and knitting wool hats at a glacial pace.