About ANCA

ANCA Committees

ANCA Committees serve to provide strategic guidance on specific facets of ANCA operations. Committees are made up of ANCA board members, staff, and members at-large.


Committee Chair Role and Responsibilities

Each ANCA committee is chaired by a board member, staff member, or member at-large. Chairs are confirmed by the start of the new fiscal year, July 1. Committee chairs are responsible for facilitating committee meetings and reporting the committee's findings to the board. Specific responsibilities include:

  • Working with the Executive Director to recruit committee members and confirm committee assignments annually.
  • Determining the committee’s annual meeting schedule, creating the meetings in Zoom, and sending the calendar invites to each committee member.
  • Working with the appropriate ANCA staff to create agendas and making sure minutes are taken at each meeting. 
  • Facilitating the meetings and soliciting participation from the committee members. 
  • Submitting committee reports and agenda items 10 days prior to each ANCA board meeting. 

And … life happens! If a committee chair’s schedule and ability to serve in the role changes, for the short or long-term, please communicate with the Executive Director or Board President so arrangements can be made for someone else to step into the role.